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Fig and Nutritional Facts

Ayurvedic and nutritional fact about fig (Anjeer)

Synonyms-Figs are called Anjeer or Gular, Udumber. Anjeer has such wonderful medicinal benefits with such a high nutritional value.

Ayurvedic fact about figs

Udumbero himo rukshyoguru pittakaphasrijit
Madhurstuvero varnyo vranshodhanropan

The ayurvedic properties

  1. Taste- sweet and astringent
  2. Qualities-heavy, hard to digest, and dryness
  3.  After digestion taste transformation(Vipak)  - pungent
  4.  Potency(Veerya) -Coolant

Role of figs in our diet

  1. Vranashodhana -Cleanse and disinfection wounds, promote healing of the wound.
  2. Varnya- Promote healthy skin.
  3. Pittakaphasrjitam -Figs are very good for pitta and Kapha dosha balancing, good for a bleeding disorder
  4. Medicinal use of figs 
    • Being astringent herbs it has a blocking effect, so figs work well in diarrhea, heavy periods, excess white discharge( leucorrhoea)
    • Figs are very good to treat bleeding disorder such as nasal bleeding, menorrhagia, rectal bleeding
    • Figs are good to balance pitta dosha, so very good to improve digestion and treat burning sensation, thirst.
    • Figs are very good to cure constipation, hemorrhoids.
    • Figs are very useful in urinary tract disorders.

Which body type of people should take to eat regularly

  • Figs are best for everyone. Only Kaphaj body type people need to take exercise precautions because ripe figs are cool and sweet.

Ayurvedic preparation with figs

  • Chandanasav
  • Nyagrodhadi churna
  • Nalpamaradi tailam
  • Marma gulika
  • Hemnath ras
  • Panch valkala or panch ksheeri vriksha

Nutritional fact about figs

  • Figs are a rich source of carbohydrates.
  • Figs are loaded with dietary fiber,( dietary fiber make bowel movement regular and prevent constipation) 
  • Dried Figs are full of, vitamin, minerals, and antioxidants
  • Figs are a rich source of vitamins A, E, and vitamin K
  • Figs are a rich source of potassium which help to manage heart health
  • Figs are rich in magnesium to promote bone health
  • Figs are a good source of iron. It works very well to treat anemia, soak 4-5 figs in the water overnight and eat them in the morning every day.

Role in children

Fig syrup is an excellent tonic for kids. Fig increases appetite and improves digestion.

Several ways to add figs to your daily diet
  • Figs can be eaten fresh and dried. Fresh fig can be a very good snack
  • Soak 2 or 3 dried figs in clean water and drink this water to lower the Vata inside the body. Because of its rich mineral and sugar content, this water can be drunk. 

  • Fig Jam 

  1.  15-20 figs 
  2. Chop each fig 4-6 pieces
  3. Combine figs and 1 cup water in a pan over medium heat
  4. Bring to boil, cook for 10 minutes 
  5. Cook until jam is thickened
  6. Add half lemon juice 

  • Fig Bar


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