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Ayurvedic and Nutritional Fact About Honey

 All About Honey  In Ayurveda honey is known by many names such as Madhu(means perfection of sweet), Pushpa rasa, Makshika, etc. According to Charak honey is considered as Nitya sevaneeya dravya (food those are advisable to consume daily) Ayurvedic Properties of Honey  vatalm guru sheet raktpittakaphapaham sandhatr chedanam ruksham kashayam madhuram madhu Vatal -Increase Vata dosha  Guru -heavy (some acharya define light ) Sheetal-coolant(some acharya defines as hot potency) Raktapitta kapha paham -it scrape kapha and normalize pitta ana rakta Sandhanam-heals wound and fracture quickly Chedanam-break up hard mass  Ruksham -dryness  Kashayam madhuram -astringent and sweet in taste Ayurveda explains a special quality of  honey, which is yogvahi -catalyst substance that means without changing its own properties it carries the properties of drug added to it. Early morning is best time to have honey. 1 teaspoon honey add with 1 glass of lukewarm water and...